August 5, 2011

Thank you Jesus!

by Shari Soklow

Thank you Jesus, for making me strong!
For carrying me my whole life long!
So many times I knew you were there!
Guiding me on with your loving care.

Thank you Jesus for understanding my plight,
I know in my heart, you will make things turn out right!
Please watch over our children in heaven above,
Let them all know of our undying love!

Thank you Jesus for all that you give,
with love and compassion you teach us to live!
You are my higher consciousness and this I do know.
I need you with me wherever I go!

Thank you Jesus, as I do my part,
To live a good life, with compassion and heart!
I will care about others whose way may be lost,
and remember that leap of faith, no matter the cost!

Thank you Jesus, for letting me know,
that no one is excluded, as you love us all so!
As for getting into heaven, we both know there are many ways!
Still I choose to follow your example for the rest of my days!

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